Multiple Sclerosis Taranaki

"I was diagnosed with primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis ten years ago at age 55. The symptoms that impact my life include fatigue, spasticity, limited mobility, and impaired dexterity. I am right-handed, but I do have problems in performing tasks using the left side. These symptoms mean I have trouble walking long distances, and I can’t enjoy running like I used to. Photography was one of my passions, but now I can’t hold a SLR camera or adjust the lens. Another activity I enjoyed was working on old cars, and other mechanical work.

I used to be a dairy farmer, but due to the physical nature of this work, I am now unable to work as I would like to. My MS has impacted my ability to earn and affected my job opportunities.

You may be surrounded by people, but when you have MS, you can still feel very isolated. For the first two years after my diagnosis, I did not know that MS Tranaki existed. Meeting the Field Worker made a big difference to me by educating and counselling me so I could see I was not the only one; there are others out there, and there are ways to cope. The society’s support and commitment was the inspiration for me having been a proud president of MS Taranaki for over six years. MS Taranaki is the primary source of support and information for people, like me, with Multiple Sclerosis. Your donation can assist me, and approximately 150 other people with MS, and our families in our local community, to cope with life with MS."

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"I was fortunate to meet up with two neurological physiotherapists in the early days of my diagnosis, and they impressed on me how important exercise is to the condition I have. They suggested, “use it or lose it!” My primary sport in my youth was cycling so it was a no-brainer, neurological condition and all, to pursue this as my exercise. I clip my feet into pedals so I can ride. I live in rural North Taranaki and my goal is to ride my road bike 200 kilometres per week. With support from my wife Julie, we ride 20 kilometres for coffee in New Plymouth and then home again, three or four days a week. I certainly believe that “exercise is medicine”.

I get frustrated by things, like putting on boots or a nut on a bolt, but those closest to me notice more than I do. However, I have learned to think ahead and strategise to find ways around issues and to accept and move on. I soon learned that when one door closes another door opens."

About Us

We provide a valuable and free service for people with Multiple Sclerosis and their whanau living in the Taranaki region.

MS Taranaki is a registered charity run by a team of volunteers, employing one Community Adviser to support families affected by MS in our region.

Your donation will help Multiple Sclerosis Taranaki better support our local community.

MS Taranaki supports individuals, their whanau, and the wider community affected by Multiple Sclerosis and other allied neurological disorders.

Our aim is to provide information, awareness, support, and advocacy. Our Community Adviser supports our clients by offering home visits, facilitating catch ups, support groups, referrals to other allied health care services and support in accessing information.

MS Taranaki works closely and collaboratively with local health and disability sector organisations and strives to increase public awareness around MS, educating people with MS, their families and local organisations on the condition.

We support and advocate to meet the needs of the individual person and their whanau to enable a better daily life.

Our services

Community Advisor Services

Educational Resources

Socialising Events

Support Groups


Phone: 021 985 285

Address: 134-136 Ngamotu Road, New Plymouth



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T: 0800 67 54 63


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