Make a donation to make a difference today
Thank you for considering making a donation to help us advocate for people with MS in New Zealand to have access to first world treatment, resources and services to improve their well-being and quality of life. You are about to make a big difference. Thank you.
If you would like to make a donation from overseas, please contact so we can discuss the best options.
Credit/Debit Card - Please provide your contact and payment information for credit/debit card donations below. Your contact information is required to generate an electronic tax receipt which will be sent to the email address that you provide.
Direct Credit - Donations can be made direct via online banking:
Account name: Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand
Account Number: 02-0500-0355668-00
Reference: IPDON
Particulars: Your Name
Please email us at if you require a receipt.
Can you support MSNZ on a regular basis?
Regular donations make a big difference to our work, enabling us to plan more effectively for the future, achieve our goals and commitments to supporting New Zealanders living with MS. They also enable our staff to reduce administration costs allowing us to put more time and resources into the work we do to support the MS Community. Simply give an affordable amount for you and choose how frequently you would like to give. You will receive one tax receipt at the end of March for all your donations made in the financial year. Thank you for your support.