Help an old banger raise $20,000 to improve the lives of those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis

Support team ‘Keep Smyelin’ as they drive the exciting Bangers to Bluff Rally 2025 to raise awareness for the impact of Multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has a significant impact not only on the person diagnosed but also partners, parents, whanau and children. 

Help us raise funds to lead the way for excellence in MS care, by providing information, raising awareness and advocacy on national issues which impact the quality of life for all impacted.

Together we're raising funds for people impacted by MS

$8,377 raised

$20,000 Goal

$8,377 raised

$20,000 Goal

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Will help us raise awareness for Multiple Sclerosis
Will provide information resources
Will subsidise access to education for local community advisors
Will help us continue to advocate for access to treatments

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I'd like to add a little extra to help cover fees.

The difference YOU could make

Approximately 5,000 people are diagnosed with MS in New Zealand. Your donation will support us to:

- address inequities in access to services, health and wellbeing.
- advocate for the needs of those diagnosed, as well as their carers and families, breaking down barriers that impact physical, mental and financial health and well-being.
- provide nationally consistent information and support for 18 regional member organisations providing services in their local community.

MSNZ has been a grateful participant of the rally since 2018, with 2021 being the first year we entered our own banger.

The delightful goodwill and advocacy opportunities experienced along the way, always exceeds our expectations.

In 2023, this event raised over $50,000 for MSNZ and Regional MS Societies.

Our sparkling silver banger desperately needs your support to make its way across the country, spreading awareness about MS and raising vital funds needed to help people to live well.

Become a Sponsor      Please Donate

Team Keep Smyelin

Run by three of our most dedicated volunteers, who are excited to raise awareness about MS and the necessary supports people need to live well.

Neil Woodhams

MSNZ President

Graham Walker

Committee Member of MSNZ.
President of MS Taranaki.
Person with Progressive MS.
Team Cyclist.

Jeff Silvester

Committee Member of MSNZ.
President of MS Hawkes Bay.
Team Driver.

Graham's Challenge

When team member Graham, an ex-competitive cyclist, was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS, he was told to 'use it or lose it'.

"So, it really was a no-brainer, neurological condition and all, to pursue cycling as my exercise vehicle.”

Donate to support Graham as he cycles ahead of the rally each morning, cycling as far as he can before they catch him!

Last year this was between 20-40km a day!

Charity Auction

At the conclusion of Bangers to Bluff, the rally cars, Grahams bike and bike rack along with other amazing items, will go up for AUCTION. There will also be some fantastic mystery items from MS Southland to bid on. 

All money raised will be added to the event total and distributed to charities the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay supports, including MSNZ and the MS Societies the rally engages with along the way.

Further details on these amazing items will be added below soon.


We express our sincere gratitude to The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay for giving us the opportunity to be one of the recipient charities selected and for joining us to make a difference.




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T: 0800 67 54 63


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